Vladimir test.
Vladimir radio club invites any operators to take part in an Open Vladimir HF Championship “Vladimir Test”.
Contest Period. 16:00 UTC – 17:59 UTC 1 April 2011 (the first Friday of April annually).
The competition consists of four tours, each tour lasts 30 minutes (16:00 – 16:29 UTC, 16:30 – 16:59 UTC, 17:00 – 17:29 UTC, 17:30 – 17:59 UTC.).
Modes: CW, SSB and QPSK31, QPSK125.
Bands: 160 and 80 m.
Recommends the following frequencies for QPSK31 and QPSK125 are 3.582…3.590 Mhz and 1.840…1.843 Mhz.
- Multi Op, Single transmitter (CW and SSB) – MOST;
- Single Op, Two Bands (CW and SSB) – SOAB;
- Single Op, Single Band 80M (CW and SSB) – SO80;
- Single Op, Single Band 160M 160m (CW and SSB) – SO160:
- Any participant Gigital Mode QPSK31 and QPSK125 – DIGI;
- SWL (Mixed) – SWL
Transmitter output is defined by the license of a participant. Emission of a single signal at any moment of time is permitted for the following categories: MOST, SOAB,
SO80, SO160 and one signal for DIGI.
The participants from Vladimir region transmit the QSO number, beginning with 001, and designation of their administrative region according to the list of diploma
RDA (for example, 001 VL01), the others transmit the QSO number, beginning with 001, and 4 first signs of the indication of their square of WWW QTH-locator (for
example, 001 KO85). QSO numbers are end-to-end for all time of the competitions.
QSO Points.
For each QSO you get 1 point.
Only QSO confirmed by contest Log will be considered as fulfilled.
Each VL region and each combination of first two letters of squares indication (for example, LO, KO, LN, ML, …) gives one point for multiplier for once per each mode
at every band during the whole competition. In multiband categories in each tour with each correspondent you can carry out 4 QSO: one QSO per each band in
each mode.
The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of VL administrative region and WWW-locator multipliers..
The reckoning of points for observers is the same, and any recieved callsign can be used in the Log not more than 4 times in a tour (that is once per each band in
each mode).
Three best participants in each categories will be awarded by diplomas.
Team and individual stations of Vladimir region, which will show the best results, irrespective of the categories (except DIGI group), will get the rank of the “Champion
of Vladimir region in radio communication on SW, 2011”.
Radio station of Vladimir region, the winner of the group DIGI, will get the rank of the “Champion of Vladimir region in digital types of communication on SW, 2011”.
The Awards are conferred at presence not less, than five participants in corresponding category .
According to the discretion of the judges there may be other rewards established.
The Log is made up according to generally accepted form in chronological order of carrying out QSO.
Electronic reports are given in the format of Cabrillo.
For each QSO you need to indicate the following: Date, Time in UTC, Band, Mode, your Callsign, transmitted QSO Number and WWW-locator, Callsign of the
correspondent, received QSO Number and WWW-locator or VL region.
When carrying out QSO RST is not transmitted and is not recorded in the Log.
Dupe QSO should not be excluded from the Log.
Permissible difference in fixing the time of QSO is 3 minutes.
In case of any difficulties when sheduling the Log it is recommended to send just a file in ADIF format to the judge’s board.
Hand-written reports must include a generalizing paper with personal information about the participant, data about the apparature you used, the category and the
signed Declaration about observance of the rules of the competitions. Printed reports are not taken into consideration.
QSO’s, carried out with Vladimir hams in the course of the test, will be accepted for the diploma “Vladimir”. Information about diploma
“Vladimir”: http://rw3va.qrz.ru/oficial/diplom.html
Additional information about the Log: http://www.r3v.ru/contest/.
Breaking the rules of the competition or the terms of the license is enough to exclude the participant. The decision of the judges is final.
Used sideband modes and the notation in the records:
A list of the administrative districts of Vladimir Region in the list of diploma RDA (Russian Districts Award)
VL-01 Leninsky region (Vladimir)
VL-02 October region (Vladimir)
VL-03 Frunze region (Vladimir)
VL-06 Gus-Crystal
VL-07 Kovrov
VL-09 Murom
VL-12 Raduzhny
VL-13 Alexander’s region (incl. Aleksandrov, Karabanov, Strunin)
VL-14 Vyaznikovsky region (including Vyazniki)
VL-15 Gorokhovets region (including Gorohovets)
VL-16 Goose-crystal region
VL-17 Kameshkovsky region (including Kameshkovo)
VL-18 Kirzhach region (including Kirzhach)
VL-19 Kovrov region
VL-20 Kolchuginsky region (including Kolchugino)
VL-21 Melenkovsky region (including Melenki)
VL-22 Murom region
VL-23 Petushinsky region (including Petushki, Kostereva, Pokrov)
VL-24 Selivanovsky region
VL-25 Sobinsky region (including Sobinka, Lakinsk)
VL-26 Sudogodskoye region (including Sudogda)
VL-27 Suzdal region (including Suzdal)
VL-28 Yuriev Polish region (including Yurev-Polish)